Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Sharing the Tones

Earlier this month I had the pleasure of facilitating a Crystal Bowl Immersion at a local college for the students as they prepped for finals week. 

While I was setting up, some students shared concern for exams in the next 24 hours, and others lamented over a couple day wait before they started their exam cycle.  

Talking with the students brought me back to my own college days, studying day and night to do my best on the end of semester papers and exams. I related to their anxiety and frustration and tried to balance that out with the relief and sense of accomplishment they would feel after the studies and exams were complete.

Many students were looking forward to going home, while others couldn't see past exam week. 

However, I must say the human angel for the day was the college coordinator - who set up a few hours of fabulous de-stressing activities for the students if they so desired - with options like massage, Reiki, and the crystal bowls. She also brought in coffee, cookies, t-shirts, and conversation to support the students.  

Give the continued focus the world seems to have on mental health, the support provided on this day was a lovely opportunity for its students to experience new-to-them anxiety-relieving methods. 

I hope to have the chance to work with additional universities and corporations to provide similar options for people to deal with everyday stressors, and the culmination of such, as the experiences can have immeasurable results, all around.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The Magic of Christmas


 Each year brings different energy and shifts that need to be taken into account for the holidays. By allowing the pressures of commercialism and self-expectation to take a back seat, we can fully embrace where we are and what we want to include in our holiday celebrations. 

When we take stock in what makes our hearts shine, we create the space for the Light of Christmas to infuse our lives. 

Where are your energies most productive, impactful, and joyful? 

When and where do you need time for rest and/or reflection? 

Give yourself permission to accept, be, and express where you are this holiday season. 

In place of or in addition to small gifts in physical nature, remember to share your true treasure within - gifts from your heart.  

For these gifts ignite and spread the Magic of Christmas. 

Wishing you Peace in all your encounters this holiday season. 

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Forging Trust


Trust in yourself.

Trust in the unseen support around you.

Trust in situations to play out for the highest good of all.

Trust that setbacks are timing issues or a chance to let go of something you don't need anymore.

Trust in the presence of love. 

Trust in the expression of love. 

Trust in letting go of desires and wants - allowing the world to exist as it does, filling each task with the intention for good, love, hope and well-being for all.

Trust that you are guided by your soul or higher power. 

Trust in the openness and security of you.

Trust again in love - the power of loving intention, the usefulness of growth, the welcoming of challenges and new perspectives. 

Feel trust becoming a part of you, 

enveloping you, enticing you to move forward, 

expanding your comfort zone...

until there is comfort in discomfort.

For there is trust in the growth and experience of discomfort - 

the excitement of something new and pure.

Allow trust to fill every cell in your body, 

and all the atoms that make up your emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. 

Allow the trust to flow throughout the whole interdimensional being that you are. 

Trust the ripples of your life, your love, your dream.  

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The Power of Presence


For a few decades now, my husband and I have run a martial arts dojo. Every year, we hold a New Year's Opening Ceremony and introduce a theme for the year's training.


Throughout the year, I think about the theme often - if I'm really applying the theme and noticing when I'm not. I realize it's a bit late in the year to be sharing this information, however, it's more the experience with this theme that is meaningful.

The theme this year is Presence. 

First and foremost, for me, Presence has been keeping tabs on the energy I bring to a given situation, whether with people or by myself. What Presence am I bringing to my training, to my teaching, to my family, my work, my house chores, my exercise and spiritual practices?

In turning that attention outward, I notice the Presence others are bringing to my home, my conversations, and my plans. I also question whose Presence is affecting my and others' decisions or actions, even when they are physically absent. 


In addition, what spiritual Presence am I allowing or requesting to influence my life? 


I invite you to be aware of your Presence this month.

Presence is a powerful aspect - even when we're not. 

Ho-oponopono and Love

Late last month, CeCe, our 15-year old cat, wasn't walking on one leg. After an annual checkup and tests, multiple medicines were prescribed. She was walking again within days.

Two weeks later, CeCe had an episode. Upon return from an ER vet visit with even more medication, she promptly projected blood from both ends. Figuring this was the end although there was no true explanation for her physical state, I stayed next to her all night, praying, giving Reiki, telling her I loved her. Somehow, she made it through. It wasn't her time.


Two weeks later we were forced to visit another ER vet since one of the medications previously prescribed put CeCe into heart failure. Medications were juggled again, and that week, CeCe's regular vet refused any follow up care. 

Feeling abandoned and unsupported, the search was on for anyone who could help within reason. Despite another recommendation to walk CeCe over the Rainbow bridge, which we almost followed, Cece, again, made it clear she wasn't ready.


We took faith in a fabulous new vet and singular treatment. Within days, Cece's heart failure was managed, and after a week of stabilization, recent updated care for IBD was introduced with positive results thus far. 

It's been touch and go for a month now, and the emotional roller coaster is beyond real. The other day, CeCe decided to not take her medications and even though I know each day is on her terms, I was feeling distraught. 

Spirit encouraged me to write CeCe a letter.  

As I sat down to write, I found myself feeling all the feels of her lifetime with us - the days we'd play hide and seek, when she'd wrestle with us playfully, her insatiable appetite, and her loud complaints when we were two minutes late for mealtime. 

I also discovered a deep sorrow for as life happened, I spent less time with her due to stressful jobs, keeping the house a certain way, raising children, adopting additional cats, and trying to keep everything together. My heart ached for her forgiveness. 

Then I remembered all the times she ventured to places in the home she knew were off limits, eating my plants, or sitting smugly after misbehaving as if asking what I was going to do about it. 

After all of that surfaced and passed, all I could feel was love. I loved this small animal so much for all we've been through and the connection we have endured. 

I realized then what I needed to write:

Dear CeCe, 

Thank you for everything and teaching me about you and myself. 

Please forgive me for my shortcomings, and I release you of any shortcomings I judged you as having. 

I love you so much and then some. 

As I finished my short letter, I realized I was sharing the essence of the Ho'oponopono prayer with her, which pinpointed all I wanted...all I needed to say. 

I know she knows how I feel. There is no doubt. We're closer now than we ever have been. These experiences with her have deepened not only our connection and understanding of each other, but also my connection with myself.

I've also been reminded that requesting and offering forgiveness, saying thank you, and telling people you love them is important every day. Saying those things now creates a deeper bond, if all are open to it. And when the time comes for our loved ones to move on from this earthly existence, we'll be able to flow with their process in more ease, grace, acceptance, and love. 

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Friday, June 23, 2023

Angelic Light Weaving


Feathery, Light, Symbolic

Joy, Realistic, Calm

Angel wings

Information Sharing

Heartful Caring

Shining Light

Angel's delight

Human Perception of

Divine Conception

Ideas Abound

Magic Resounds

Thursday, May 18, 2023


Remember the people closest to you. You know...the ones you shut out when you're hurting. The ones you lash out at when you're anxious or confused. The ones you treat meanly sometimes because you've been stressed for months. 

Remember and know the ones who look past your words, your anger, your disapproval, and love you just the same. The ones who check up on you periodically. The ones you cheer you on regardless. The ones who support you in ways you don't completely know. The ones who help you pull yourself back together again. 

Remember these people in your lives. You know who they are. 

Cherish them, thank them, and send them love from your heart to theirs in deep appreciation for them taking the time to notice, the action to care, and the love to let you be yourself.  

Thursday, May 4, 2023

From Forgiveness to Freedom

 How does it feel when you forgive someone?

How does it feel when someone forgives you?

Forgiveness creates better emotional health and can grow deeper relationships. If we hold grudges, we may be perpetuating emotional and mental blocks due to the lack of forgiveness. By practicing forgiveness, we create peace, provide a model for spreading goodness, and lighten our energetic baggage as we move forward in our lives. 

For the month of May let's plan to take a few moments each day and bring in the energy of Forgiveness. Let's understand the benefits of forgiveness and our role in forgiving people in our relationships, as well as requesting or accepting forgiveness from people too.

A few wonderful forgiveness methods include:

  • saying the Ho'opono'pono prayer
  • placing individuals or groups of people (including ourselves) onto a forgiveness altar in our mind's eye
  • writing a letter of forgiveness to someone (they can be deceased or living) and burning it. 
Incorporating a daily forgiveness practice helps us release the hold the past may have on us, and gives us permission to move forward, lighter and freer than the day before. 

Allow the magic of Forgiveness to harness the Freedom you've been yearning for!

Sunday, April 23, 2023

A Child's Smile

Walking outside the other day, I saw a child riding her bike towards me. I stepped out of her way, she smiled at me as a thank you and I smiled back.  

It was then I realized how much smiling was needed!

So - thank you to the innocence of the girl who smiled at me today. Her smile opened my heart, even if it was for a short while and became a stepping stone to move me into an even better space.

Here's to smiling at the next person you see today! 😃

Friday, April 14, 2023

Healing Angels

Have you ever woken up one day and found yourself not ready for what the day may hold?  Where maybe fear, frustration, or a blank wall of resistance seems to permeate your mind?  

The other day, I woke up like that and for the first hour or so, I spent energy trying hard to block the discordant emotions - to keep them from surfacing or festering. After wrestling with this for awhile, I decided to walk into another room, sit down, and ask for help from the angels.   

Within 20 seconds I felt a rush of energy shift inside and out, took a deep breath, let the worry and tension go, and relaxed into the soothing energy of the angels. They came to my aid, and all I had to do was ask and be open to receive. 

In full gratitude and relief, I sat in their energy for only a minute or two as I had a calendar of events to attend to. I would rather have stayed there longer and fully basked in the energy of the healing Angels; yet, I found myself going back to that space throughout the day for periodic angelic pick me ups. 

I hope you do the same today - and everyday - for the angels enjoy helping us out when we request their gracious assistance, and they also love to participate in our joys too. They're our 24 hour-a-day cheerleaders - and when we sit quietly for a few breaths, we can feel them with us, and may even hear theirs wings flutter.    

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Spring into Growth

The spring season brings with it an undeniable hope, a lightness, and openness to freedom. The longer days, the warmer weather, and the ability to be outside more raises our spirits. 

Spring is also a wonderful time to check to see how we're feeling about life in general - what are we thankful for, what have we been appreciating more recently, what are we changing for the better?

Are we doing things out of obligation, or out of purpose or feeling like we're contributing? Are we finding a balance of doing things we want to be doing in addition to those we feel we should be doing? What steps can we take today to bring joy to our moments? 

Let's highlight all our strengths and infuse them with love and appreciation - asking Source and our Teams of Light to embellish and grow them. Let's request creativity and perspective to improve upon ourselves and find people to support us in areas that uplift our purpose and joy, and, in turn, that we find others to support and uplift with our strengths. 

Finally, let's remember that each of us in an integral part of the whole of humanity. Each of us is helping humanity evolve to a lighter way of being, one moment, one situation, one smile, one thought, one kind act, one realization, one helping hand at a time.  

Many blessing today and everyday!


Monday, April 3, 2023

Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is most commonly called in for protection when we feel we need it most. Whether we are fearful of a situation, a discussion, an event, or our safety, Archangel Michael, when prayed to, provides for us in both subtle and directly profound ways. 

Although I had woken up today in a good mood, and started off with a rather productive day, a minor thing happened and I noticed it started to redirect my thoughts. My emotions were kicked up and before I knew it the spiral in my head was in full swing accompanied by stronger discordant emotions. 

By creating a few minutes of space and time for myself, I managed to breathe myself back to functioning from my logical brain, and began a brief meditation. 

Archangel Michael presented himself within my energy and sent me clarity in where my fears, anxiety, and anger were originating. He reminded me of aspects like trust, safety, and divine timing all reside within me and opened up pathways so I could access them in the moment. 

Of course my discord fell away, and I was once again stable in the moment and rest of the morning.  

For me, the Angel of today is Archangel Michael. May he bless you with goodness, safety, security, and immense love today and always.  


Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Learning with Ganesh

As I make some bigger changes in my life, buried emotions rise to the surface. I know this is normal. These emotions include feelings I thought I had dealt with already, emotions or situations I know I've not dealt with, and still other emotions and limiting patterns of thought and attachment to things I didn't even know existed within me. 

It's been a bit of a roller coaster ride with the emotional, mental, and spiritual depths and heights that are available to us when we become more vulnerable in change. Of course, it is usually not easy for us, nor is it for those who live with us either. :) 

Regardless, I find that by inviting Ganesh in for assistance and comradery has been an overall uplifting, growth experience for me, although these words seem to fall ever so short. 

In the past I've previously worked with Ganesh on what I would describe as a more superficial level. More recently, I ask Ganesh for assistance in pushing through some emotional and mental muck. When I feel a small hurdle had been surpassed, I then ask for a clear path to my highest good in specific aspects of my life; then, back to pushing through the muck, and then again, back to clearing the path to a best and highest life. 

During that oscillation, which continues still, my heart seems to open just so - perhaps in that vulnerability - to experience Ganesh at a deeper level. I assume this is true for our connection to all deities or guides we work with - our own willingness and ability to connect influences the experiences we have.  

Through these experiences, I feel free. I feel calm. I have an inner knowing that all is ok and will continue to be ok. I'm learning to trust differently, and I'm letting go of old ways of being. 

I am sure many of you reading this may already have a wonderful connection with Ganesh and I may be considered as being late to the game. We all have a few "go to" beings we work with and for me, Ganesh is in the forefront of my world these days for whatever reasons, and I am enjoying his presence. 

So I'm writing this piece to give a shout out and a thank you to Ganesh for sure, and to all our Spiritual Individuals and Teams of Light who support us on our sometimes arduous path of human living.  

May we all be open to the blessings and goodness on their way to us now.   

Monday, March 6, 2023

Restful Inspiration

When do you recall receiving your best inspiration?

In a world full of mass productivity and movement, we can easily be tricked into thinking that only in doing can we gain inspiration. Yet, we find that our mental focus, at times, can hinder true, clear inspiration from coming through.

The reality is that inspiration presents itself in between the activity, when we're "resting" our minds from focused thought, and allowing ourselves a chance to relax a bit and expand our auras. 

Inspiration can come right when we're falling asleep or just as we're waking up. People have been known to gain inspiration on nature walks, in the shower, or when cleaning their homes. So often inspiration pops in when we least expect it, when we're loosely looking for it, or not considering it at all!

Making sure we have sufficient rest and sleep is paramount to encourage consistent inspiration in our lives. 
Resting invites inspiration. Resting also gives time for the inspiration to integrate and contemplate how best to express that inspiration. Then we can bask in the joy inspiration cultivates thereby inviting more blissful inspiration in - creating a lovely cycle of contentment and joy. 

Wishing you a brilliant balance of marvelous rest and peaceful inspiration each day!  

Friday, February 10, 2023

The Present Moment of Now

Think of a time when someone started talking to you when you were in the middle of an email, or trolling on your phone, watching TV, or in the middle of a conversation. When you experienced this interruption, were you able to stop what you were doing and fully engage with the person? 

When you're reading a book or have some downtime, do you find you're thinking about plans for later in the day or the week? Or are you fully engrossed in the current moment?  

The importance of being ever present in the current now, brings us to a different level of existing. We spend less energy splitting our time or corralling our thoughts back to focus. 

Let's make sure we love ourselves enough to be present in our activities, tasks, and downtime this month. See how certain things fall way, who steps up, which connections deepen, and how we feel as we release the grip our plethora of responsibilities have on us. 

For many of us, this presence means slowing down a bit and allowing the flow of life to be, which may be contradictory to how many of us live most of the time. Hopefully we can all find areas in our lives where we can be present and over time, with attention, we can bring that presence to another aspect, and another, until we are consistently present in our lives. 

Wishing you all Love and Peace this month!

Monday, February 6, 2023

Love Focus

Posted in 2012 and I found it valuable to repost today with a few minor edits... hope you enjoy!

February’s love is mighty and grand
A love day celebrated throughout the land.
Reminding ones to accurately hear
All of which the heart holds dear.
Encouraged to express love that's true
Toward all sweet souls surrounding you.
Forget not those you may not love
Wishing them peace from up above.
Tailor what your heart chooses to send
So it may nurture, heal, and mend.
There's only greatness can we bring
When sailing on love’s bright, light wings.
When in doubt and when sure too
Ask thyself:
”What would Love do?”
- Pamela Aloia

Wednesday, January 25, 2023


How often do we resist the natural flow of situations, conversations, etc?  How often do we allow the flow of life to occur? 

There is a fine balance of when we can fluidly influence things to move a certain way - not necessarily "making things happen" as that implies some force which seems to be the opposite of ease. But easing things into place - constantly being that sideline cheerleader guiding ourselves or someone along a healthy path with support of good habits or positive thought structures. 

Ease is 

allowing and basking in the flow

not always getting what we think we want

breathing deeply

accepting life fundamentals

trusting the spiritual nature of things



all things joyous

Wishing you much ease and joy this day, this month, this year, this life. May you walk in Ease into the world of your dreams.  


Wednesday, January 18, 2023


When was the last time we acknowledged someone who has helped instilled strength within us?  Parents, coaches, teachers, mentors, friends, and pets could have all contributed to the strength we possess today - whether it be the strength to get through a situation, pick ourselves up after we make a mistake, or to deal with a tough emotion or person.  

When we find there is a little more depth to us that we may have realized, we can turn to external factors that created an internal decision to be strong - whatever that means to us. To me strength is, and certainly isn't limited to: 

knowing when to speak up and when to act

knowing when silence matters and when allowing flows

going within rather than lashing out

releasing responsibility that is not your own

realizing an illusion

including self-care

communicating needs and desires

celebrating self

celebrating other's progress and successes

expressing kindness in the midst of discord

being grateful 

Who would you say has helped cultivate your inner strength? Know that strength takes lots of different forms, each uniquely beautiful. 

I appreciate the strength it took you to bring you where you are today.  


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Simply Intending

When it comes to our own self-improvement, we also can be rather meticulous in initiating and following through with the change we wish to implement into our lives. This meticulousness can be influenced by what-ifs, second guessing, and making sure we can plan everything out just so. While there is often value in being detailed, it can be helpful to incorporate a bit of simplicity too. 

To simplify our thoughts, we may start with simplifying our intentions, which can have ripple effects in our moments. We may see less jittery mind chatter, insecurities falling away, and moments where we're sinking into the heartful essence of ourselves and inviting that beautiful essence from others. 

Let's take note of our intentions this week, this day, this moment, and watch the magic unfold.