Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The Magic of Christmas


 Each year brings different energy and shifts that need to be taken into account for the holidays. By allowing the pressures of commercialism and self-expectation to take a back seat, we can fully embrace where we are and what we want to include in our holiday celebrations. 

When we take stock in what makes our hearts shine, we create the space for the Light of Christmas to infuse our lives. 

Where are your energies most productive, impactful, and joyful? 

When and where do you need time for rest and/or reflection? 

Give yourself permission to accept, be, and express where you are this holiday season. 

In place of or in addition to small gifts in physical nature, remember to share your true treasure within - gifts from your heart.  

For these gifts ignite and spread the Magic of Christmas. 

Wishing you Peace in all your encounters this holiday season. 

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