Thursday, May 18, 2023


Remember the people closest to you. You know...the ones you shut out when you're hurting. The ones you lash out at when you're anxious or confused. The ones you treat meanly sometimes because you've been stressed for months. 

Remember and know the ones who look past your words, your anger, your disapproval, and love you just the same. The ones who check up on you periodically. The ones you cheer you on regardless. The ones who support you in ways you don't completely know. The ones who help you pull yourself back together again. 

Remember these people in your lives. You know who they are. 

Cherish them, thank them, and send them love from your heart to theirs in deep appreciation for them taking the time to notice, the action to care, and the love to let you be yourself.  

Thursday, May 4, 2023

From Forgiveness to Freedom

 How does it feel when you forgive someone?

How does it feel when someone forgives you?

Forgiveness creates better emotional health and can grow deeper relationships. If we hold grudges, we may be perpetuating emotional and mental blocks due to the lack of forgiveness. By practicing forgiveness, we create peace, provide a model for spreading goodness, and lighten our energetic baggage as we move forward in our lives. 

For the month of May let's plan to take a few moments each day and bring in the energy of Forgiveness. Let's understand the benefits of forgiveness and our role in forgiving people in our relationships, as well as requesting or accepting forgiveness from people too.

A few wonderful forgiveness methods include:

  • saying the Ho'opono'pono prayer
  • placing individuals or groups of people (including ourselves) onto a forgiveness altar in our mind's eye
  • writing a letter of forgiveness to someone (they can be deceased or living) and burning it. 
Incorporating a daily forgiveness practice helps us release the hold the past may have on us, and gives us permission to move forward, lighter and freer than the day before. 

Allow the magic of Forgiveness to harness the Freedom you've been yearning for!