Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Forging Trust


Trust in yourself.

Trust in the unseen support around you.

Trust in situations to play out for the highest good of all.

Trust that setbacks are timing issues or a chance to let go of something you don't need anymore.

Trust in the presence of love. 

Trust in the expression of love. 

Trust in letting go of desires and wants - allowing the world to exist as it does, filling each task with the intention for good, love, hope and well-being for all.

Trust that you are guided by your soul or higher power. 

Trust in the openness and security of you.

Trust again in love - the power of loving intention, the usefulness of growth, the welcoming of challenges and new perspectives. 

Feel trust becoming a part of you, 

enveloping you, enticing you to move forward, 

expanding your comfort zone...

until there is comfort in discomfort.

For there is trust in the growth and experience of discomfort - 

the excitement of something new and pure.

Allow trust to fill every cell in your body, 

and all the atoms that make up your emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. 

Allow the trust to flow throughout the whole interdimensional being that you are. 

Trust the ripples of your life, your love, your dream.  

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