Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Sharing the Tones

Earlier this month I had the pleasure of facilitating a Crystal Bowl Immersion at a local college for the students as they prepped for finals week. 

While I was setting up, some students shared concern for exams in the next 24 hours, and others lamented over a couple day wait before they started their exam cycle.  

Talking with the students brought me back to my own college days, studying day and night to do my best on the end of semester papers and exams. I related to their anxiety and frustration and tried to balance that out with the relief and sense of accomplishment they would feel after the studies and exams were complete.

Many students were looking forward to going home, while others couldn't see past exam week. 

However, I must say the human angel for the day was the college coordinator - who set up a few hours of fabulous de-stressing activities for the students if they so desired - with options like massage, Reiki, and the crystal bowls. She also brought in coffee, cookies, t-shirts, and conversation to support the students.  

Give the continued focus the world seems to have on mental health, the support provided on this day was a lovely opportunity for its students to experience new-to-them anxiety-relieving methods. 

I hope to have the chance to work with additional universities and corporations to provide similar options for people to deal with everyday stressors, and the culmination of such, as the experiences can have immeasurable results, all around.

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