Thursday, September 5, 2024

Presence Through Change


 Even though we know change is constant and inevitable, we aren't always as equipped as we'd like to be, to deal with everything that comes our way. From small changes like the mug we drink out of or the road we use driving home, to larger changes like shifting jobs or adding a pet to our household, change affects us on all levels, whether we acknowledge that or not. 

It's important to know that we are ALL naturally adept to change. With support,  perspective, acceptance and detachment, we can breeze through our subtle and drastic life shifts with greater ease. 

Additionally, we can ask a few questions throughout change to help us gain perspective, momentum, and ease in the process:

What opening is this change creating in our lives? 

What are we holding onto so tightly? 

What awesomeness awaits us after this change is in place? 

What chance is available to us? 

For more support on creating or living through change, you may be interesting in reading Nurturing Healthy Change.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Fostering Wholeness

When it comes to embracing our flaws and strengths unconditionally, many of us confront stumbling blocks. Not only can we be harsh in our own self-perceptions, we also can allow other people's judgments to negatively and unrealistically impact our self-image.

When we accumulate too many of these judgments over time, our self-esteem, self-worth, and self-love tend to falter.

While some societal pressures are helpful to maintain order and establish necessary boundaries, other standards around subjective topics like beauty and success often lead us towards unhealthy consumerism and low self-esteem.

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Yet, if we introduce practices like self-compassion, knowing our strengths, celebrating our successes - no matter how small - and learning how to speak lovingly to ourselves, we can embark on a journey towards embracing the wholeness of who we are.

Consistent self-acceptance involves kindness and a willingness to grow. The results bring about better relationships (especially with ourselves), reduced stress, increased confidence, and overall happier, more fulfilling lives.

We are enough, just as we are.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Finding Freedom


Freedom may be different for each of us. For one, freedom may mean being able to walk down a street at night without a care in the world...for another freedom may mean flexible hours at their employment. 

Our idea of freedom can also change as we grow. As a country we have been built on various freedoms like the freedom of speech and the freedom to bear arms. Yet some of us have difficulty breaking free of our very own mental and emotional casings that we have wrapped ourselves in. 

When we acquiesce to the prisons of our anxiety, negative patterns, and resentment, that behavior keeps us from enjoying some of the freedoms we do have - like the freedom to cry, the freedom to share our thoughts without judgment, the freedom to feel our feelings, the freedom to forgive, and the freedom to not be ok. 

All these freedoms can remain bottled up inside, where we never give them their time of release, and therefore, we remain bound. Do we realize how pushing down our thoughts and feelings, confining our responses, and more binds us to our own ideals? 



We all have the freedom to create space and time in appropriate settings so we can freely let these aspects of ourselves flow. 

Which freedoms do you enjoy regularly that you didn't have five or ten years ago?

Which freedoms are you working towards at this moment?

Perhaps have a conversation with someone this week about freedom. Discuss freedoms you see them having that you may or may not have. 

See if they perceive them as freedoms too.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Healing Through Writing: Nurturing Your Inner Resilience

 As we navigate life's challenges, sometimes the most profound healing can come from within by acknowledging our emotions, reflecting on our journey, and envisioning our future. In this post, we explore how writing can be a transformative process, allowing you to tap into your inner wisdom, encourage personal growth, let go of burdens, and cultivate a sense of healing.

Embrace the Self-Healing Journey

Writing has long been recognized as a therapeutic outlet for processing emotions and experiences. Doing so offers a safe space to unravel thought spirals, address unresolved feelings, and celebrate moments of triumph. By putting pen to paper, you embark on a journey of self-discovery, gaining insights that may have eluded you in the busyness of daily life.

Unleash Your Inner Strength

Through writing, you have the opportunity to discover your own resiliency. Documenting your challenges and victories can serve as a testament to your strength and determination and help you see and embrace your vulnerabilities with compassion.

Share Your Story

While the process of writing can be deeply personal, sharing your story, reflections, and epiphanies with others can be incredibly rewarding. Your story has the power to inspire and comfort those who may be on a similar journey or experiencing similar challenges. By sharing your narrative, you further acknowledge your experiences and offer inspiration to those who see themselves in your story.

Welcome the Next Chapter

As you delve into the depths of your emotions and experiences, take the time to envision the path ahead. What lessons have you learned that will guide you forward? How do you want to step forward from here? By engaging in inner reflection, you set the stage for a future imbued with intention, purpose, and authenticity.

Find Supportive Writing Groups

Search the internet for safe spaces like that offer individual and group workshops that facilitate healing through writing. Blossom Consulting's Write Your Story in a Day and Wisdom Writing workshops offer online and in person sessions where you are held and supported throughout the writing process.

Take your first steps towards a better relationship with you! Open up to the happiness, empowerment, and confidence that comes with inner exploration. These positive experiences will help fuel you to march towards new heights, brimming with possibility and purpose.

Monday, May 20, 2024


The dewy grass promotes promise.

The morning dew or just after a summer / spring shower. 

What is the world like as an insect on the earthly floor. 

Do ants, insects, and worms find the same inspiration we do? 

Or are they oblivious to the magic, promise, and life a bblade and sea of grass hold? 

This soothing color, the lovely feel of grass beneath the bare feet. 

Kissing Mother Earth and she kissing us. 

Promise - the warmth of the sun, the growth of the grass. 

What is promise - the expectation of great potential. The ability for things to shine and be upward.

What Promise to you Hold Within?  

Tuesday, January 2, 2024


 Many people use this time of year as a way to reflect upon various aspects of their lives and plan for a lofty goal. 

Others completely detest the practice of setting intentions or resolutions and look to attain objectives with more freedom. 

Reflecting upon our lives and situations throughout the year is a fabulous practice that makes us better human beings, if we stay encouraged. 

Through self-reflection, we deepen the understanding of our beliefs and values, and tend to become comfortable with change based on that reflection. 

If you're seeking additional inspiration in determining how or what best to reflect upon, the Wisdom Writing Workshop Series will do just that. 

The seven-week series provides guidance on specific and general areas of self-reflection with the potential to heal your present, your past, your relationships, and more.

Delve into the wisdom that is you! 

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Sharing the Tones

Earlier this month I had the pleasure of facilitating a Crystal Bowl Immersion at a local college for the students as they prepped for finals week. 

While I was setting up, some students shared concern for exams in the next 24 hours, and others lamented over a couple day wait before they started their exam cycle.  

Talking with the students brought me back to my own college days, studying day and night to do my best on the end of semester papers and exams. I related to their anxiety and frustration and tried to balance that out with the relief and sense of accomplishment they would feel after the studies and exams were complete.

Many students were looking forward to going home, while others couldn't see past exam week. 

However, I must say the human angel for the day was the college coordinator - who set up a few hours of fabulous de-stressing activities for the students if they so desired - with options like massage, Reiki, and the crystal bowls. She also brought in coffee, cookies, t-shirts, and conversation to support the students.  

Give the continued focus the world seems to have on mental health, the support provided on this day was a lovely opportunity for its students to experience new-to-them anxiety-relieving methods. 

I hope to have the chance to work with additional universities and corporations to provide similar options for people to deal with everyday stressors, and the culmination of such, as the experiences can have immeasurable results, all around.