Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Finding Freedom


Freedom may be different for each of us. For one, freedom may mean being able to walk down a street at night without a care in the world...for another freedom may mean flexible hours at their employment. 

Our idea of freedom can also change as we grow. As a country we have been built on various freedoms like the freedom of speech and the freedom to bear arms. Yet some of us have difficulty breaking free of our very own mental and emotional casings that we have wrapped ourselves in. 

When we acquiesce to the prisons of our anxiety, negative patterns, and resentment, that behavior keeps us from enjoying some of the freedoms we do have - like the freedom to cry, the freedom to share our thoughts without judgment, the freedom to feel our feelings, the freedom to forgive, and the freedom to not be ok. 

All these freedoms can remain bottled up inside, where we never give them their time of release, and therefore, we remain bound. Do we realize how pushing down our thoughts and feelings, confining our responses, and more binds us to our own ideals? 



We all have the freedom to create space and time in appropriate settings so we can freely let these aspects of ourselves flow. 

Which freedoms do you enjoy regularly that you didn't have five or ten years ago?

Which freedoms are you working towards at this moment?

Perhaps have a conversation with someone this week about freedom. Discuss freedoms you see them having that you may or may not have. 

See if they perceive them as freedoms too.